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Downstairs Stills

downstairs still locations

These pictures are of various locations of interest downstairs. Mostly it's pictures of the walls after everything is roughed-in so we can find things later if we need to. Click on the blue dots to see the pictures (or scroll down). bath slab hole bath 1, SE entry E family ceiling W family E family N family W garage_above_heater garage E garage N garage S garage W guest bed N guest ceiling E office E office N office W


We originally planned for a tub/shower here, then changed our minds and were told ``No Problem.'' Turns out the drain needs to be larger for a shower-only than for a shower tub. Now, to me when one has to cut through the slab, that's a problem.


Downstairs bath, SE wall. The white pipe is for the whole-house vacuum.


The entry (right hand side when walking in through the front door). The black drains are for the bathroom directly above.

4, 5, 6 & 7 (the Family room)

ceilingeast wall
north wallwest wall
Some things to note:
  • top right: we left an area open under the stairs. That's where the TV & stereo will be, giving us access to the back for moving wires around. It cannot easily be seen, but there are 9 sets of speaker wire in there.
  • bottom right: this was originally a single door, then we wanted a double door but, alas, it was too late because this is a sheer wall. Oh well. Outside is the area under the deck.

8, 9, 10, 11 & 12: the Garage

from the heater, looking upeast wall
north wall
south ceilingwest wall
All of the blue wires hanging down on the north wall are for the phone, cable, and network. There are 20 jacks throughout the house, and each contains a coax, a Cat3 (phone), and two Cat 5's (network). In addition, there are four coax that go to the ceiling in the master bedroom in case we ever want a satellite dish, and there are 6 lines for irrigation control (1 to each outside spigot).

13 & 14: the Utility Room

east ceilingeast wall
Most of the network wires come in at the north-east corner of this room. At the bottom of the north wall, notice the cat door. Finally, this is a good picture of how the house sits: the house is about 4' below the street to the north & beyond that is a park.

15, 16 & 17: the Office

east wallwest wall
north wall
Finally, the office!

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